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  => Porsche GT3r ( Fujimi )
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This is my Porsche GT3r as part of a group Build for SPC .
The intention is to build is Box stock but as usual I wasn't happy with some features.
The brake discs and Rear wing supports are being replaced with P etch items.


As you can see the hole position is off centre . 
I spotted this during clean up. The Dry fitting of the suspension and body didn't show any issue of significants, but I wanted to correct it anyway. 

Plugged the Hole using Evergreen rod. I turned it down to be a tight fit on the orignal hole and used Superglue to secure it.

  Inital mock up of chassis to familiar myself which the way it goes together .

I've seen a few of these GT3r Porsches built and the camber and ride height at the back didn't look good.

It was inportant to see if there was any issues prior to painting .

I painted the chassis silver and unfortunately it turned out poor.
I sprayed it with Engine degreaser and left it for e few mins.
It cleaned the paint of well and I didn't notice any issues.


The underside of  the rear arch  and the aera under the rear axle where it meets the wheel tub was all distorted .
It actually looked melted .

The Engine  degreaser was too agressive on the plactic and I was fortunate that I hadn't left it in there any longer.

I needed to repair this aera as I was already concerned about the camber / ride height of the model .



 You can clearly see the damage here. that should be a straigh line all the way out to the wheel tub.

It's all deformed.!!!  

I needed to establish the damage .

The rear undertray was offered up to the underside.

4 location pegs were not lining up and my worst fear was realized that the whole left hand rear corner had shrunk thus reducing the distance between the location pegs of the tray.

I used the location pegs as a Chassis straighting template/jig. 

It allowed me to know when I had done enough to get that rear chassis corner back into shape.   

I placed that aera under a hot water tap for a few seconds at a time and used light force opposing the distorted direction of the chassis.

It was improving but It was time to get more aggressive. I used a night light candle to slowly warm the aera.
Keeping in  mind that this could go south very quickly if  I rushed it I took my time and slowly worked the chassis.
There was a nice bit of force used as the natural "Spring back" or memory of the plastic meant I had to go past where I wanted to be .


Here you can see the filling I did on the melted aera.

This was already gone past an OOB build and it was fighting me  ...and I knew it.
I used simple superglue and Baking powder as a filler.
It dried instantly and was very hard. I used an needle file to reshape the aera .


The dreaded Engine degreaser that caused all the problems with thwe chassis was was used again.....  LUNACY !!!! I HEAR YOU SAY

The chassis needed repainging .. I had tried the Oven cleaner and Bleach but after about 2 hours it hadn't done much.

I thought right... Use the degreaser very cautiously and rinse it off  after a few seconds.

I did this a few times and got braver and braver with it .

I settled on 15 seconds on..  rinse of using Household Fairy Liquid.

 I repeated this around 6 times and I got what I'm pleased to say was a stripped and undamaged chassis.

You can still see evidence of the damage once the paint went on but I'm happy enough to move on as I've painted this 3 times now.

The colour and finish I'm happy with.
I'll paint the other remaining features on the underside during the week.

Next the Brakes and suspension....


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